We all know the golden rule for brushing - brush two times a day, two minutes each time. But how can we make brushing fun for kids? We get this question a lot from parents since it is so hard to get their kids motivated to brush. There are many ways to get your kids brushing, but here are a few of our favorites!

  1. Brushing Tunes! - Have your child choose their favorite song and have them brush for the full amount of time that the song plays for. Because we want your child to brush for at least 2 minutes, make sure the song lasts for that amount of time!
  2. Brushing Sticker Chart - Create a calendar where you reward your child with a sticker for every morning and every night that they brush their teeth. At the end of the month, if they were able to get a full chart of stickers, you can reward them with a prize of your choice!
  3. Brushing Together - Some children, especially the younger ones, love watching and copying what their parents do. If you brush together, it becomes a family activity that they'll get used to doing.

The biggest thing about brushing habits is creating a routine. Our favorite routine is brush, book, bed - the three B's! Brush your teeth, settle down with a bedtime story/book, and then get tucked into bed.

We hope these tips help you and your family - let us know what works for you! And please share with us any other great ideas your family has to make brushing fun!

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